



Sone Ngulle Moses a seasoned and outstanding leader with passion, dedication, and commitment hold a Doctor of Biblical Studies from Bible University and was born in the South West province of the Republic of Cameroon.  After his dual primary school career in English and French languages, he proceeded to High School where he obtained Ordinary and Advanced Level Certificates.

Thereafter, he enrolled in the prestigious Anglo-Saxon University of Buea, Cameroon where he obtained a Bachelor of Education with double majors in Educational Foundations and Administration and a minor in Sociology.

He taught at Government Technical College, Loum Cameroon. Former Head of Department of Languages, Soofia International School [Cambridge affiliated school].  – Kingdom of Lesotho, Southern Africa. Former lecturer with the National University of Lesotho and senior English Language, French language, as well as Literature in English Educator at the National University of Lesotho International School- NULIS. He is a former Team Leader and assistant examiner of Literature with the Examinations Council of Lesotho – (ECoL), and a former English Language and Literature Educator with Lesotho-China Fellowship Collegiate, Maseru – Kingdom of Lesotho. He has been a former Director and Pastoral Care Counselor with Insured Salvation Orphanage Center - a fostered home for destitute, orphans and children from poor homes in the Kingdom of Lesotho.

He is bilingual in English and French Languages. He holds Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (DALF Niveau C2), MA in English Language and Literature, as well as a Master's and Doctorate of Biblical Studies from Bible University USA. He is an altruistic, dedicated, and experienced Researcher in the field of academics as well as an author in Social Sciences, Language, and Arts.


He is currently a Senior lecturer with the Bible Society Institute in the Kingdom of Lesotho, and a volunteer lecturer with Bible University USA via online.

Published Books

 Dr Moses has published the following books:

1. Nuggets of Truth – A pastoral Anthology of Poetry [Published by KS Omniscriptum publishing Group]

2. Heart of Glass [A Counseling and Christian-based Literature Novel] [Published by Justification Edition]

3. Dumps of Life [Literature Novel] Published by Morija Book Depot publishers, ISBN 999 – 112823 – 9

4. In the Realm of Spiritual Affairs - A therapeutic guide of questions and answers for Christians [Published by: National University of Lesotho Publishing Unit] ISBN: 99911-687-8-8

5. Search the Scriptures – The Ultimate Authority [Published by: Lambert Publishing, Germany, ISBN 3846581437

6. The Herald of English Language [For Upper Primary Schools] Published by Lambert Publishing, Germany

7. Les Mots et La Grammaire FrançaiseUn Livre de Reference [Publisher: Editions Universitaire européennes

Published academic articles in International Journal of Social Science and Humanities

 §   An Investigation into the benefits of Biblical Hermeneutics of Mimesis to the Moral formation of society

§   An Investigation into the Omnipresent of threats and chaos – a literary narrative on The Merchant of Venice and Romeo and Juliet

§   Barriers that impede parents-teacher relationship – the case of Lesotho-China Fellowship Collegiate 

(With certificates of publication)


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