



In this conversation, we have the pleasure of speaking with Pastor Mike Omoasegun about his journey to church leadership. Pastor Mike has been a full-time minister of the gospel since 1998 and has served in various local church settings, learning hands-on while completing both of his degrees. He is also one of the District Superintendent pastors in Christ Apostolic Church Nigeria/Oversees and has a wealth of experience in church leadership. In this discussion, Pastor Omoasegun shares his insights on the challenges of church leadership, how he structures his work days, the books that have impacted his leadership, and much more.


How did you become a church leader?

My journey to becoming a church leader began when I was appointed as an assistant Youth leader at my local assembly in 1998. It was a role that allowed me to connect with young people in the church and develop my leadership skills. As I continued to serve in this capacity, I felt a growing sense of calling to full-time ministry.

In June 1998, I received a clear and definite call to ministry, which confirmed my passion and desire to serve in the church. I began my seminary training in 1999, which provided a strong foundation of theological knowledge and practical ministry skills. During this time, I also started working in the local church as an evangelist, sharing the gospel and ministering to people in need.

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to serve in different local church settings, which gave me a well-rounded perspective on the challenges and opportunities of church leadership. I learned firsthand how to manage church programs, organize outreach events, and counsel individuals and families in need.

In 2001, I was ordained as a certified pastor in Christ Apostolic Church worldwide, which marked a significant milestone in my journey as a church leader. This provided me with greater responsibility and expanded opportunities to serve and make a positive impact within the church and the wider community.

Overall, my journey to becoming a church leader has been a rewarding and fulfilling experience. It has allowed me to serve God, minister to people in need, and make a positive difference in the lives of others. 

2.    What have you found most challenging as a church leader?

As a church leader, I have faced numerous challenges throughout my pastoral career, but one of the most persistent and difficult challenges have been dealing with difficult people within the congregation. Despite my efforts to foster unity and cooperation among church members, there are always those individuals who refuse to follow instructions, undermine my work, and cause unnecessary conflicts.

The most challenging aspect of this situation is that these individuals often lead unrighteous lives and refuse to repent. It can be frustrating and disheartening to see members of the church community behave in ways that are not aligned with the values and teachings of the Holy Bible, and doctrine of the church. As a leader, it is my responsibility to help guide individuals towards a more positive and righteous path, but this can be a challenging task when faced with resistance and opposition.

Dealing with difficult people in the church requires a great deal of patience, understanding, and empathy. It is important to approach these individuals with kindness and compassion, while also setting clear boundaries and expectations. It may be necessary to have difficult conversations and make tough decisions, but ultimately, my goal is to help these individuals grow and develop spiritually.

Despite the challenges, I remain committed to my role as a church leader and am continually inspired by the many positive and uplifting experiences that come with serving the congregation.

3.    How do you structure your work days from waking up to going to sleep?

As a church leader, my days are often unpredictable and filled with various responsibilities and tasks. While my daily routine may vary based on the specific needs of the church and my personal commitments, I try to maintain a consistent structure to ensure that I am productive and efficient.

Typically, I wake up early around 4:30 am for my personal devotion time, during which I spend time in prayer, reading the Bible, and reflecting on my spiritual journey. I also share daily devotional prayer bombs on social media to inspire and encourage others.

After my personal devotion time, I have family devotion time with my loved ones before heading to the church for the morning service by 6:00 am. We have morning service almost every day in the church, and I need to be present to lead and minister to the congregation.

Throughout the day, I manage meetings, attend to visitors, and handle administrative tasks related to the church. I also dedicate time to personal tasks and family commitments, including spending time with my loved ones and taking care of my own physical and mental well-being.

As the day progresses, my schedule may change depending on the specific assignments and responsibilities that arise. However, I always make sure to prioritize my personal devotion time and prayer life, which helps me stay grounded and connected to my faith.

At night, before going to bed, I spend time in prayer, reflecting on the events of the day, and expressing gratitude for the blessings in my life. This helps me unwind and prepare for a good night's rest so that I can be ready for whatever challenges and opportunities the next day may bring.

4.    What's one book apart from the Bible that has had a profound impact on your leadership so far? Can you please briefly tell the story of how that book impacted your leadership?

The one book apart from the Bible that has had a profound impact on my leadership is the book title: “There's a Miracle in Your House by Tommy Barnett.

Reading "There's a Miracle in Your House" by Tommy Barnett was a turning point for me as a church leader. The book gave me a fresh perspective on how to approach my leadership role and taught me valuable lessons about faith, trust, and resourcefulness.

Before reading this book, I had struggled with feelings of inadequacy and a lack of confidence in my ability to lead effectively. But as I delved into its pages, I discovered that I had been underestimating my own potential and the resources that God had already given me.

The book challenged me to look inward and discover the miracle within me, which was the unique gift and talent that God had deposited in me. It also taught me how to lean on God's provision and trust in His ability to sustain me and meet all my needs.

As I applied the principles I learned from the book to my leadership role, I became more confident and effective in leading my congregation. I learned to be more resourceful and creative in using the talents and resources available to me, and to trust in God's provision even when the situation seemed dire.

Overall, reading "There's a Miracle in Your House" was a transformative experience that helped me grow in my leadership and deepen my faith. It's a book that I recommend to any church leader who wants to discover their full potential and learn to trust in God's provision. 

5.    What's the most recent significant leadership lesson you've learned?

Recently, I learned a significant leadership lesson about the importance of trustworthiness. As a church leader, I understand that people look up to me as a role model and expect me to be honest and trustworthy. However, it's not enough to simply talk about trustworthiness; I need to lead by example and demonstrate it in my actions.

I realized that being trustworthy means being consistent in my actions, keeping my promises, and being transparent about my decisions and intentions. It also means admitting my mistakes and taking responsibility for them, rather than trying to cover them up or shift the blame onto others.

One of the key aspects of building trust is being straightforward with others. I have learned that it's important to communicate clearly and honestly with my congregation and colleagues, even if the truth is difficult to hear. When people see that I am genuine and truthful in my words and actions, they are more likely to trust and respect me.

Another lesson I have learned is that leadership qualities can vary from one individual to another. Every leader has their strengths and weaknesses, and it's important to recognize and work on those areas where we can improve. By doing so, we can become more effective leaders and build trust with those we lead.

In conclusion, the recent leadership lesson I have learned is that trustworthiness is essential for effective leadership. By leading by example, being straightforward with others, and striving to improve our leadership qualities, we can build trust with our congregation and colleagues and become better leaders. 

6.    How do you develop a healthy leadership pipeline in a church?

Developing a healthy leadership pipeline in a church is crucial for the growth and sustainability of the church. To achieve this, I have found that adapting the servant-leadership style is effective.

Firstly, my wife and I lead by example. We strive to model the behaviors and attitudes that we want to see in our congregation. We believe that leaders should be servants first, and our actions should reflect that.

Secondly, we create opportunities for people to be involved in different aspects of the church. We give people programs and encourage them to take control and contribute to the church's activities. This not only helps to develop their leadership skills but also fosters a sense of belonging in the church.

Thirdly, we equip others to become leaders. We identify the gifts and talents of individuals and provide training, mentorship, and opportunities for them to lead in different areas of the church. By doing this, we create a leadership pipeline that allows for a smooth transition of leadership as the need arises.

Finally, we motivate and teach our congregation the true word of God. We believe that a healthy leadership pipeline is built on a strong foundation of faith, and we prioritize teaching and preaching the gospel to our congregation. We also encourage them to grow in their faith and develop their spiritual gifts, which in turn, helps to develop healthy leaders in the church.

In conclusion, developing a healthy leadership pipeline in a church requires intentional efforts and a servant-leadership approach. By leading by example, creating opportunities, equipping others, and teaching the true word of God, we can build a pipeline of healthy and effective leaders in the church. 

7.    What is one meaningful story that comes to mind from your time as a church leader so far?

As a church leader, one story that stands out to me is the initial state of the church I now pastor. Despite being established for over 70 years, both the spiritual and physical aspects of the church were in a very low state, and the people seemed resigned to the belief that nothing good could happen in their midst. However, after 366 days of my leadership, things changed dramatically, and the members began testifying to the mighty hand of God in their midst spiritually, physically, and numerically. Even the pastor I took over from, who returned after two years, could hardly believe the uncommon changes that had taken place. This experience taught me that leadership ideology can be the key to effecting change.

Through this experience, I realized the importance of persistence, hard work, and faith in God's power to transform situations. As a leader, I needed to be intentional in setting a vision and working towards it, even in the face of challenges and doubts from others. I also learned that my leadership style could make a significant impact on the people I serve, and it was my responsibility to lead with integrity, excellence, and a heart for the people. Overall, this experience taught me that with God's help, transformation and growth are possible, even in the most challenging situations.

8.    Your advice for the younger people that plan to be a leader in their various careers

My advice for younger people who plan to be leaders in their various careers is to start by being a servant. Learn to serve others and put their needs before your own. Take the initiative to learn and grow in your field, seek mentorship and guidance from experienced leaders, and constantly develop your skills and knowledge.

Also, be willing to take risks and step out of your comfort zone, but do so with wisdom and discernment. Learn from your failures and mistakes, and use them as opportunities to grow and improve.

Above all, always strive to lead by example, with honesty, integrity, and a commitment to serving others. Remember that leadership is not about power or control, but about empowering and inspiring others to achieve their full potential. Achieving such uncommon changes is possible through the grace of God, the help of the Holy Spirit, dedication, commitment, focus, perseverance, and obedience to the voice of God, and the power of prayer and fasting.

Thank you.

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