

Interview with Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun on West Bengal Book of Records Awards Honorary Doctorate to Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun for Leadership and Management Excellence

 "Interview with Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun on West Bengal Book of Records Awards Honorary Doctorate to Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun for Leadership and Management Excellence"

Renowned scholar and president of Bible University USA, Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun, has set another remarkable record in his field of expertise. On April 1, 2023, Prof Omoasegun was awarded an Honorary Doctorate degree in Leadership and Management by West Bengal Book of Records, India. We had the opportunity to sit down with Prof Omoasegun and discuss his thoughts on this achievement and his views on leadership and management.

Interviewer: Good day, Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun. We are glad to have you here with us today. Firstly, congratulations on receiving the Honorary Doctorate degree in Leadership and Management from West Bengal Book of Records. Can you share with us your thoughts on this prestigious award?

Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun: Thank you for having me, my name is Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun indigene of Okemesi-Ekiti, Nigeria, and I give all the glory to the Almighty God for this great achievement. I am honored and humbled to receive this recognition from West Bengal Book of Records for my contributions to the field of leadership and management.

Interviewer: Thank you for introducing yourself, Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun. It's an honor to speak with you today. Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you became interested in leadership and management?

Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun: I believe that my inclination towards leadership and management is a divine calling. It all started when I was in primary school. I was appointed as the class janitor at the young age of 9, and I found joy in helping my classmates with their assignments. This same passion and commitment continued when I got admission to secondary school. Later on, when I received a calling to become a pastor, I realized that my leadership and management skills were innate and further developed.

: That's a wonderful story of how your passion for leadership and management started at a young age and has continued to grow throughout your life. It's truly a gift to be able to help and serve others in this way.

Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun: Sure. I have been actively involved in the study and practice of leadership and management for many years. Through my work as a professor and president of Bible University USA, I have had the opportunity to train and mentor numerous individuals in these areas. I also serve as a consultant for various organizations and have authored several books on leadership and management.

Interviewer: That's impressive. What do you think sets you apart from others in this field?

Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun: I believe it’s the grace of God upon my life and the Holy Spirit that given me unique approach to leadership and management is what sets me apart. I prioritize servant leadership and emphasize the importance of ethical and moral principles in decision-making. I also emphasize the importance of empowering individuals and creating a positive and inclusive organizational culture.

Interviewer: Can you tell us about your experience receiving the Honorary Doctorate degree in Leadership and Management from West Bengal Book of Records? What was going through your mind during the ceremony?

Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun: Receiving the Honorary Doctorate degree in Leadership and Management from West Bengal Book of Records was a humbling and exciting experience for me. As I received the message from my inbox to receive the award, I was filled with a sense of gratitude and awe. It was an honor to be recognized for my contributions to the field of leadership and management, and I felt a deep sense of responsibility to continue to work hard and make a positive impact in this area.

Received this award, I reflected on the love and the grace of God that brought me to this point. I thought about the sacrifices and hard work that I had put in to get to where I am today. I also thought about the many people who had supported me along the way - my family, friends, colleagues, and mentors. It was a moment of deep appreciation and reflection, and I felt blessed to be able to share it with the people who mean the most to me.

Moreover, as you’re asking me questions, I was filled with gratitude to God for giving me the opportunity to serve and make a positive impact in the world. It was a humbling experience to be recognized by such a prestigious institution for my contributions in the field of leadership and management. I also felt a deep sense of responsibility to continue to use my knowledge and expertise to make a difference in the lives of others.

In addition, I was also reminded of the importance of continuous learning and growth. Receiving this degree is not the end of my journey, but rather a milestone that encourages me to strive for greater achievements and make even more significant contributions to society.

Interviewer: Those are definitely important values to prioritize. What do you hope to achieve with this honorary doctorate degree?

Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun: By the grace of God, I hope to continue making a positive impact in the field of leadership and management. This recognition motivates me to work even harder and to continue sharing my knowledge and experience with others. I also hope to use this platform to inspire and encourage others to pursue excellence in their own fields.

Overall, the experience of receiving the Honorary Doctorate degree was a surreal and unforgettable one, and I remain deeply grateful to the Almighty God, and the West Bengal Book of Records for this recognition.

Interviewer: That's very inspiring. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun, and once again, congratulations on your achievement.

Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun: Thank you very much. It was a pleasure speaking with you.

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