

Quality Brand University Award Conferred Upon Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun by World Astrological Research Institution for Exceptional Education Work

 "World Astrological Research Institution Recognizes Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun's Education Contributions with Quality Brand University Award"

On February 20th, 2023, the World Astrological Research Institution in India honored Pastor (Prof) Olu Mike Omoasegun with the Quality Brand University Award in recognition of his outstanding performance, hard work, commitment, and positive attitude towards the development of Bible University and education in society.

The award was presented to Pastor (Prof) Olu Mike Omoasegun by the representatives of the World Astrological Research Institution, who praised him for his remarkable achievements and contributions to the field of education.

In his acceptance speech, Pastor (Prof) Olu Mike Omoasegun expressed his gratitude to the World Astrological Research Institution for recognizing his efforts and honoring him with the prestigious award. He dedicated the award to the faculty, staff, and students of Bible University, who have supported him throughout his journey in academia and helped him achieve this recognition.

He also reiterated his commitment to the development of education in society and emphasized the importance of providing quality education to all individuals, regardless of their social, economic, or cultural backgrounds. He urged the audience to join hands in creating a world where education is accessible to everyone, and where knowledge is used to build a better and more equitable society.

The Quality Brand University Award is a significant recognition of Pastor (Prof) Olu Mike Omoasegun's hard work, dedication, and contributions to education, and it serves as an inspiration to individuals around the world who strive to make a positive impact in their communities.

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