

West Bengal Book of Records Recognizes Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun's Contributions, Appoints Him International Coordinator to Drive Recognition of Excellence and Encourage Further Accomplishments

 "Renowned Scholar and Academician (Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun) to Promote Excellence in West Bengal as International Coordinator of the Record-Keeping Organization"

In a recent announcement by the Director of West Bengal Book of Records, Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun has been appointed as the International Coordinator and Life Active Member of West Bengal Book of Records. This appointment is in recognition of his contributions to the development of society and his commitment to excellence, and it is effective from 10th April, 2023.

Prof Omoasegun is a renowned scholar, researcher and academician, whose expertise in various fields has earned him numerous accolades and recognition both locally and internationally. He has demonstrated a strong commitment to the development and growth of society through his contributions to various academic and social projects.

As the International Coordinator and Life Active Member of West Bengal Book of Records, Prof Omoasegun will be responsible for promoting the recognition and celebration of outstanding achievements of individuals and organizations in West Bengal. This role will give him an opportunity to further contribute to the development of society by helping to identify, acknowledge and reward excellence in various fields.

In accepting this appointment, Prof Omoasegun expressed his gratitude to the Director of West Bengal Book of Records for the opportunity to serve in this capacity. He pledged to use his vast knowledge and expertise to promote excellence and encourage individuals and organizations to strive for excellence in their respective fields.

Overall, the appointment of Prof Olu Mike Omoasegun as the International Coordinator and Life Active Member of West Bengal Book of Records is a well-deserved recognition of his contributions to society, and it is expected to contribute significantly to the growth and development of the society.

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