


 "We want peace not war"

 Amb Dr.  Prodip Halder

 Man is the best creature in creation.  Humans live only on this earth in the universe.  God has created everything that is necessary for human life in this world.  God has given man conscience, intelligence, knowledge and freedom of thought.  The progress of knowledge and science in today's world is the contribution of all people.  But there is no peace in people's lives despite the progress of knowledge and science.  Equality, brotherhood, unity and humanity are necessary among people to live a peaceful life.

 But unfortunately it is true, war has not been eradicated from the world despite the progress of knowledge science.  There is always a war going on in some part of this world.  Many innocent people died.  Thousands of people were crippled for life in the war.  War has never brought any good to humanity and never will.

So we want this destruction called war to be removed from the world forever.  We don't want war, we want peace, we want the liberation of humanity.

 Currently there is a war between Russia and Ukraine.  Thousands of people have already died in this war.  Russia and Ukraine are two countries located side by side.  Ukraine was once part of the former Soviet Union.  Ukraine gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.  Ukraine has long been at odds with Russia over various issues, including Ukraine's inclusion in the NATO military alliance.  In the context of this ongoing tension, Russia launched an attack on Ukraine on February 24.  Several cities in Ukraine have already been destroyed.  About 1 million people in Ukraine have left the country and are living as refugees.  Ukraine's counter-offensive has also caused Russian casualties.  Many people including Russian soldiers were killed.  The Western world, led by the United States, is supporting Ukraine politically and economically.  As always, the world is once again divided into two parts by the Russia-Ukraine war.  The pro-Russian nations sided with Russia in this war and the pro-US states sided with Ukraine.  The US has already imposed several economic sanctions against Russia.  On the other hand, Russia's pro-Russian states have opposed these US sanctions.  As a result, apart from political division, the world is also divided economically.  Due to this war, the prices of various commodities in the world have increased to extremes.  As a result the daily life of people has become miserable.  As a result, the cost of living has increased worldwide.  We want an immediate end to this war.

 Amb Dr.  Prodip Halder
 Poet and writer

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