

New Year Resolution

New Year Resolution 

There is no doubt that the entire world just finished 365 days called the year 2022 a few hours ago in which many people, organizations, nation, etc. have counted their achievements. Whatever achievements recorded in past years are not just automatic, rather such achievements attainable as results of the New Year Resolution which includes the followings:

  • Belief in yourself and your dream and vision – dream or visions are the foundation of New Year Resolution
  • Search and discover a profitable idea – idea is a life-wire that join your dream/vision with fulfillment
  • Goal Settings on the idea you discovered
  • Be focus and steadfastness on your new idea – don’t leave your lane - track
  • Build a strong and commendable team – you cannot do it alone
  • Avoid procrastination and never accept negative pressure
  • Take a lead in every activity that will enhance your goal and idea
  • Take your health and well-being a priority because a healthy life is a wealthy life
  • Power and back up your idea with prayer. I believe everyone is a member of one religion or the other, and no religion without prayer habits. 
  • Practicing Mindfulness can help you become a better person. Always appreciate your achievement, and honor your team/coworkers. 
  • Learn more and read books. Don’t stop learning. You cannot know everything and you cannot grow if you fail to learn. 
  • Finally, avoid distractions and never allow your goal to fade off.
  • Remember, it’s the Almighty God that gives you the power to discover your dream, visualize your idea, give you directions, wisdom, and inspiration, and will make you live beyond the fulfillment of your dream.
  • Please don’t wait till January end before start doing something!
God bless you

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